Name:          Japanese Language Kit Updater for System 7.5.1
Version:       n/a
Date Released: June 28, 1995
Description:   This software updates the Japanese Language Kit for compatibility
               with System 7.1, 7.5, and 7.5.1.  Please refer to the information

The enclosed file is a self-extracting archive. To use, download, double-click
the downloaded file (this decompresses it).
Files found within the self-extracting archive:
InputBackSupport                           7.5.2
Language Kit Extension                     7.5.1
WorldScript™ II                            7.5.1
WorldScript™ Power Adapter                 7.5.2
• Japanese Language Kit 1.2 now available!
    Version 1.2 of the Japanese Language Kit is now fully compatible
with Macintosh System 7.5, the current version of the Mac OS.  In
addition, it includes three Japanese TrueType fonts that are
compatible with Apple's QuickDraw GX graphics software; the most
updated version of Kotoeri, the Japanese input method; new 'kana'
keyboard labels; and demos of several Japanese and WorldScript-
savvy applications.
    With the Japanese Language Kit software running on an English-
language Macintosh, the Macintosh user interface remains in
English; however, users can run both English-language and
Japanese-language applications and create documents that contain
both languages.
If you are using System 7.5 and JLK 1.0 or 1.1, we recommend that you upgrade
to JLK 1.2.
• Availability and Pricing
    The Japanese Language Kit is available in the United States and Canada
through software resellers for the suggested retail price of U.S. $249.  In the
United States, customers should call 1-800-538-9696 extension 525
for a dealer referral or 1-800-769-2775 extension 5795 to order
direct from Apple.  United States customers who have an earlier
version of the Japanese Language Kit can purchase the upgraded
product for U.S. $39 plus tax and shipping and handling fees by
calling 1-800-769-2775 extension 7856.  In Canada, customers who have an
earlier version of the Japanese Language Kit can purchase the upgraded
product for CAN. $49 plus shipping and handling fees by calling 1-800-263-3394
and customers should call 1-800-665-2775 for a dealer referral.  Both products
are also available in other countries.  For information on availability,
customers should contact the Apple office in the specific country.
• What you can do if you are using JLK 1.1:
If you are using JLK 1.1 with System 7.5, you already have the TrueType fonts
in JLK 1.2 and may wish to only download a limited set of files that will
enable you to work effectively with your Japanese Language Kit (version 1.1)
and System 7.5. (If you have version JLK 1.0 you need to purchase the upgrade.
To find which version you have, open the System Folder, open the extensions
folder, select the Japanese Support icon, when it is highlighted go under the
File menu, select Get Info.  You will see Japanese Language Kit 1.0 or Japanese
Language Kit 1.1 next to the icon.)
These updated files will make it possible to use the JLK with QuickDraw GX
The updated files can be downloaded at no charge from
the following services:
- AppleLink:  AppleLink Services: Apple Products: Apple SW Updates: US:
Macintosh: System Software: Other System Software: Japanese Language Kit
- eWorld:  Computer Center: Apple Customer Center: Apple Technical Support: USA
Apple Software Updates: Macintosh: System Software: Other System Software:
Japanese Language Kit
- Internet: Apple Support Area: Apple SW Updates:
Macintosh: System Software: Other System Software: Japanese Language Kit
- Internet: Apple Support Area: Apple SW Updates:
Macintosh: System Software: Other System Software: Japanese Language Kit
• Installation of updated components:
If you are also using the Chinese Language Kit install the Japanese Updater
files after you have installed the Chinese Language Kit.
If you are only using the Japanese Language Kit, follow these steps AFTER you
have installed the Japanese Language Kit 1.1 software. To install the
updated files, do the following:
• Download the JLK Updater files to your hard drive.
• Select all files in the file folder by choosing Command-A, or by
Shift-Clicking each file.
• Drag the files to the active Macintosh System Folder (where JLK has already
been installed).
• The files will be placed in the correct folders, automatically replacing the
outdated files.
• Restart your Macintosh.
NOTE: If you place the files in a System Folder that is not currently your
active System Folder, the files will not be automatically placed in the right
folders. Therefore, you will need to open the System Folder and place all four
pieces manually into the extensions folder.
For Performa Users:
If you have a Macintosh Performa, you may experience difficulties installing
the JLK. If this is the case, do the following:
• Remove the "Launcher" file from the active System Folder (Drag the "Launcher"
to another folder while the Language Kit is being installed)
• Restart your Macintosh
• Install the Japanese or Chinese Language Kit
• Drag the Launcher back into your System Folder
•System Requirements
    The Japanese Language Kit requires an
Apple Macintosh computer running either System 7.1 or System 7.5,
with 5 Megabytes of RAM or a Power Macintosh or Mac-compatible
computer with 8 Megabytes of RAM.
© 1994 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, and
Macintosh are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and
other countries. PowerTalk, QuickDraw, and TrueType are trademarks of Apple
Computer, Inc.