Version 08/21/95

More Errata for "Understanding Japanese Information Processing"
To be fixed in 3rd Printing (First Edition)

Quote Pages:

o Line 1 of Jack Halpern's quote needs an "fi" ligature. Also, change
  the "Research Fellow" affiliation line as follows:

  "Editor in Chief, Kanji Dictionary Publishing Society"

o Append the following quotes:

  "A programmer interested in writing a computer program which will
  handle the Japanese language will find the book indispensable."

  -- Multilingual Computing

  "Ken Lunde's new book, "Understanding Japanese Information
  Processing", has become the bible of those using Japanese on the

  -- Frederik L. Schodt
     Author, "America and the Four Japans: Friend, Foe, Model, Mirror"

  "This is a must-have book for anyone developing software for the
  Japanese market. Covering a complex and arcane subject thoroughly
  while maintaining readability, it is also the clear choice as a core
  text for any course on Japanese information processing."

  -- Earl H. Kinmonth, Reader in Japanese Studies
     Centre for Japanese Studies, University of Sheffield

  "This is a heavily detailed reference book; you should expect your
  copy to become dog-eared and splattered with coffee stains."

  -- Dr. Jeffrey S. Haemer
     President, Canary Software, Inc.

  "Thank you for your wonderful book; it was my bible and inspiration
  throughout the port of our large application, Tactician."

  -- Bruce Leavitt, Director of Development
     Tactician Corporation

Copyright Page (page iv):

o Add a third line to the Printing History section with month, year,
  and "Minor corrections."

o Add the following paragraph before the paragraph that begins with
  "Many of the designations":

  "Nutshell handbook and the Nutshell Handbook logo are registered
  trademarks of O'Reilly & Associates, Inc."

Page ix:

o Change "Online Dictionaries" to "Electronic Dictionaries" near the
  bottom of the page.

Page xxii:

o Change "Pronunication" to "Symbol Name" in Table 5-7's title.

Page xxiii:

o Change the title of Table 8-1 to "Explanations of Some KANJIDIC

Page xxiv:

o Add the following table entry:

  "J-7  Mapping Table (to JIS X 0212-1990 User-defined Positions) 338"

Page xxx:

o Add the following paragraph to the end of the "Conventions" section:

  "Footnotes are used for parenthetical remarks. Sometimes, lies are
  spoken to simplify the discussion (especially in Chapter 2 where I
  describe the Japanese writing system), and the footnotes (usually)
  restore the truth."

Page xxxi:

o Change "Dave McClane" to "Dave McLane" in the second paragraph.

Page 2:

o Change "80 sounds" to "108 syllables" in the second paragraph.

o Change "1,500" to "1,600" in the second paragraph.

o Change "pictures or meanings" to "meanings or sounds" in the
  last line of the second pagraph.

Page 3:

o Insert "mostly" between "are" and "used for writing" in the second
  line of the fourth paragraph.

o Change "some verbs" to "inflectional endings" in the second line of
  the fourth paragraph.

o Change the second-to-last sentence on the page (beginning with
  "Kanji usually" and ending with "or ideographs") as follows:

  "Kanji represent meanings, and are often called ideographs or

Page 4:

o Change "still" to "often" at the end of the second line, first

o Pluralize "meaning" at the end of the fifth line, first paragraph.

o Change "in the literature of fields such as computer science" in the
  third paragraph as follows:

  "in fields such as fashion and cosmetics"

Page 7:

o Merge the first and second paragraphs (the first paragraph ends with
  "method," and the second begins with "Two").

o Break the third paragraph after the footnote reference (middle of

Page 20:

o Change the fourth table note for Table 2-2 as follows:

  "The hiragana ん is considered an independent syllable, and is
  pronounced approximately ng."

Page 21:

o Change "consonant" to "sound" at the end of the first line of the
  first paragraph.

o Change "case of" to "voiced version of" in the fourth line of the
  first paragraph.

o Insert "some" between "to write" and "native Japanese" in the fourth
  line of the third paragraph.

o Insert a paragraph break before the last sentence of the third

o Insert "with minor exceptions," before "represent the same set" in
  the first line of the last paragraph.

o Reverse "used" and "primarily" in the third line of the last

o Delete "in two ways" from the third line of the last paragraph.

o Insert "to write onomatopoeic words," before "and for emphasis" in
  the fourth line of the last paragraph.

Page 22:

o Change the fourth table note for Table 2-3 as follows:

  "The katakana ン is considered an independent syllable, and is
  pronounced approximately ng."

Page 23:

o Change "writing system" to "script" in the first line of the last

o Change "1,500" to "1,600" in the third line of the last paragraph.

Page 24:

o Remove the last sentence of the first paragraph.

o Change "also" to "usually" in the first line of the fourth

o Delete the last sentence of the fourth paragraph (begins with "The

o Change "27" to "over 200" in the second line of the fifth paragraph.

o Delete the last sentence of the fifth paragraph (begins with "No

o Change "native" to "original" in the second line of the last

Page 25:

o Insert "often" between "and" and "use" spanning the second and third
  lines of the second paragraph.

o Insert "often" between "is" and "used" in the fourth line of the
  second paragraph.

Page 26:

o Insert "and other non-radical elements" after "radicals" in the
  first line of the first paragraph.

o Remove the word "meaningful" from the second line of the first

Page 27:

o Change "pictures" to "characters" in the first line of the third

o Change "pronunciation" to "sound" in the last line of the last

Page 28:

o Change "basic" to "etymological" in the first line.

Page 29:

o Change "1,500" to "1,600" in the first line of the last paragraph.

Page 30:

o Change "kanji" to "characters" globally in the second, third, and
  fourth paragraphs.

o Change the first instance of "kanji" to "Chinese characters" in
  the fifth paragraph.

Page 32:

o Change "many" to "some" in the sixth line of the first paragraph.

o Insert "even" between "were" and "borrowed" in the sixth line of the
  first paragraph.

o Append the following paragraph to the end of the chapter:

  "I suggest the front matter of Jack Halpern's "New Japanese-English
  Character Dictionary" as additional reference material on the
  history and development of the Japanese writing system. More
  specifically, pp 50a through 60a of that reference."

Page 36:

o Change "International Standards Organization" to "International
  Organization for Standardization" in the footnote.

Page 44:

o Remove "unique" from the first line.

Page 49:

o Change "International Standards Organization" to "International
  Organization for Standardization" in the second-to-last paragraph.

Page 59:

o Change "has" in "one goal of this book has been achieved" to "will
  have" in the third paragraph.

Page 69:

o Move the "Shift-out" and "Shift-in" lines in Table 4-8 from the
  "JIS8 half-width katakana" entry to the "JIS7 half-width katakana"
  entry, surrounding the "Byte range" line.

Page 70:

o Change "line" from the sentence beginning with "To terminate the
  line" to "string" in the second paragraph.

o Append the following sentences to the third-to-last paragraph
  (begins with "JIS7 encoding is ..."):

  "An alternate method for encoding half-width katakana under JIS7
  uses ASCII SO (shift-out) and SI (shift-in) instead of an escape
  sequence. Half-width katakana sequences begin with a SO character,
  and are terminated with a SI character. This method is described in
  JIS X 0201-1976."

o Replace the second-to-last paragraph (begins with "The encoding
  range ...") with the following (I mostly deleted):

  "The encoding range for JIS8 includes eight-bit bytes (its range is
  161-233, and is identical to the half-width katakana range in
  Shift-JIS encoding). The text stream must be in one-byte-per-
  character mode. This method is described in JIS X 0201-1976."

Page 87:

o Change the data on the line for the GB 2312-80 two-byte character
  escape sequence in Table 4-22 as follows:

  27 36 65    1B 24 41    033 044 101

Page 97:

o Replace "will remove" with "does not include" in the first line
  (this actually spans the first and second line).

Page 103:

o Change "English" to "Roman (or Latin)" in the first bulleted item.

o Change "English" to "Roman" in the second line of the last

Page 107:

o Change "one long" to "a single" in the second line of the second

Page 108:

o Change "pronunciation" to "symbol name" in the third line of the
  first paragraph.

o Change "Pronunication" to "Symbol Name" in Table 5-7's title.

Page 110:

o Change "In most cases, a given kanji has" to "Almost all kanji have"
  in the first line of the first paragraph.

o Delete "indirect" from the last line of the third paragraph.

Page 115:

o Remove "all" from the fifth line of the first paragraph.

Page 119:

o Insert "entire" before "Thumb-shift keyboard" in the last line of
  the first paragraph.

o Remove "in all its glory" from the first paragraph.

o Remove "size of the" from the second line of the last paragraph.

Page 125:

o Delete the last sentence from the second paragraph (begins with "I
  plan to include more...").

Page 126:

o Romanize the dictionary name, at the end of the second paragraph, in

o Change "total stroke number" to "total stroke count" in the last
  paragraph (sixth line from the end).

Page 127:

o Romanize the first instance of all three dictionary names in

o Change "to index" to "to locate" (three instances -- two in first
  paragraph, and one in the fourth).

o Remove "specialized" from the first line of the second paragraph.

Page 144:

o Romanize the TrueType font names in parentheses following their
  names in Japanese in the third paragraph.

o Add the following paragraph at the end of the page:

  "For more information on TeX in general, I suggest "Making TeX Work"
  by Norman Walsh. Chapter 7 of that book includes some useful
  information on Japanese versions of TeX."

Page 145:

o Change "These others" to "These other typesetting and
  page-description languages" in the first paragraph.

Page 152:

o Put "Type on Call" in double quotes in Table 6-13.

Page 156:

o Line 5 has "let's," but should be "lets" instead.

Page 170:

o Reverse order of "JIS" and "Shift-JIS" in last paragraph of the page.

Page 187:

o Change "total number of strokes" to "the number of strokes of the
  nonradical part" in the fourth line of the last paragraph. Also,
  italicize "nonradical" for emphasis.

Page 190:

o Change "rows 47 through 84" to "rows 48 through 84" in the fourth

Page 193:

o Change "cells" to "code positions" in the fourth line of the fourth

Page 197:

o Change "Online" to "Electronic" in the "In this Chapter:" box.

Page 203:

o Change "such" to "so" in the third line of the seventh paragraph.

Page 205:

o Change "routines" to "utilities" in the fourth line of the first

Page 207:

o Add the following sentence after the fourth paragraph:

  "Wnn supports a multilingual environment, not only for Japanese, but
  also for Chinese, Korean, and many European scripts."

Page 212:

o Add a reference to the Japanese translation of "Learning GNU Emacs"
  by Softbank, and to "GNU Emacs Manual" by the Free Software
  Foundation in the second paragraph.

o Add a reference to the book "入門Mule" to the end of the section on

o Add a reference to the book "入門NEmacs" to the end of the section
  on Nemacs.

Page 215:

o Change Stephen Chung's e-mail address to the following:

Page 216:

o Change "There is a periodical, published quarterly" to "There was
  a period, published between 1986 and 1993" in the third paragraph.

o Add "It is a shame that this periodical has been discontinued." to
  the end of the third paragraph.

Page 218:

o Change "Online Dictionaries" to "Electronic Dictionaries" in the
  section head. Also change other instances, in the first (first line)
  and last paragraphs (first line).

o Change "Sony Data Discman" to "electronic book player" in the fourth
  line of the second paragraph.

o Add the following dictionary to the bulleted list of electronic

  新漢英字典電子ブック版 by 日外アソシエーツ

o Change "usually" to "always" in the fourth line of the third

Page 219:

o Remove both instances of "public domain" from the first paragraph.

o Change "public domain" to "FreeWare" in the second paragraph.

o In the second paragraph, replace the sentence beginning with "At
  present" and ending with "developers" with the following:

  "The copyright on EDICT and its documentation is held by Jim,
  however it is freely available for non-commercial use."

o In the third paragraph, replace 67,000 with "over 100,000," and
  replace 15,000 with "over 50,000."

o Change "and" into "its" at the end of the third line of the
  third paragraph.

o Add "and its usage license statement" after "lexographical
  principles," in the third paragraph.

o Add the following paragraph to the end of the page:

  "KANJIDIC also has a copyright, however Jim has made it freely
  available on the same basis as EDICT. The copyright on some
  fields is held by others. For example, the SKIP field was
  included with the permission of Jack Halpern and his publishers.
  Again the kanjidic.doc file explains the copyright details
  and usage procedures."

Page 220:

o Change the title of Table 8-1 to "Explanations of Some KANJIDIC

o Change the "F" entry of Table 8-1 as follows:

  "Frequency-of-use ranking, if present (applies to 2,135 kanji, based
  on the "New Japanese-English Character Dictionary" by Jack Halpern)"

o Insert "index" between "dictionary" and "number" of the "H" and "N"
  entries of Table 8-1.

o Change the "S" entry of Table 8-1 as follows:

  "Total number of strokes (more than one such field is acceptable in
  the case of kanji with varying stroke counts)"

Page 221:

o Change "Sony Data Discman" to "electronic book players" in the second
  line of the last paragraph.

o Change "CD-ROMs" to "electronic books" in the third line of the last

Page 222:

o Change "CD-ROM" to "electronic book" in the first and second lines
  of the first paragraph.

o Add the following phrase to the end of the first paragraph, deleting
  the final period:

  "or an electronic book player."

o Change "Sony's Data Discman" to "electronic book players" in the
  second line of the sixth paragraph.

o Change "online" to "electronic" in the first line of the last

Page 223:

o Change "online" to "electronic" in the first line of the first
  paragraph, and in the first line of the fourth paragraph.

Page 238:

o Change "underline" to "underscore" in the second line of the fourth

o Delete the last sentence of the last paragraph (no longer applies).

Page 239:

o The NIFTY-Serve -> Internet template should be as follows:


Page 243:

o Remove the first sentence of the page (begins with "To see a copy

o Change "can also" to "of entities within the five subdomains of the
  JP domain can" in the next sentence.

Page 247:

o Insert "of" between "sets" and "rules" in the last line of the
  second paragraph.

Page 279:

o Insert a comma between "JIS X 0208-1990" and "which" in the first
  line of the second paragraph.

Page 280:

o Change "shape" to "form" in the second line of the only paragraph.

Page 295:

o Change "totally compatible" to "not fully compatible" in the fourth
  line of the third paragraph.

o Change "chapter" to "appendix" in the third line of the fourth

Page 325:

o Append the following sentence to the end of the second paragraph:

  "While the transition from JIS C 6226-1978 to JIS X 0208-1983 is
  generally viewed as involving only kanji simplification, there are a
  handful of cases where a simplified kanji in JIS C 6226-1978 was
  restored to its traditional form in JIS X 0208-1983."

Page 327:

o Append the following sentence to the only paragraph:

  "18 kanji restored to their traditional forms are indicated with a hash

Pages 327-329:

o Add a hash mark after the following entries (KUTEN codes below):


Page 329:

o Append the following sentence to the last paragraph:

  "Furthermore, some of these changes involve simplified kanji
  reverting to their traditional form."

Page 330:

o Append the following sentence to the only paragraph:

  "seven kanji restored to their traditional forms are indicated with
   a hash mark."

Pages 330-331:

o Add a hash mark after the following entries (KUTEN codes below):


Page 333:

o Change "Tables J-4 through J-6" to "Tables J-4 through J-7" in the
  first paragraph.

o Append the following sentence to the first paragraph:

  "Table J-7 shows a special case."

Page 338:

o Add the following table:

  "Table J-7: Mapping Table (to JIS X 0212-1990 User-defined Positions)

  Character     DBCS-PC      JIS X 0212-1990
                8D56         8422 (8FF4B6)"

  Note that the actual character form under the "Character" column is
  the same as the JIS78 form for KUTEN 2523 on page 327.

Page 343:

o Change "" to "" and
  change position in list after ""  Also change
  "" to ""

Pages 345-347:

o Change "" to "" eight
  times. Also change "" to "" eight times.

Pages 348-366:

o Add country code prefixes to all phone/facsimile numbers. For
  example, "415-961-4400" becomes "+1-415-961-4400."

Page 348:

o Add the following URL to the "Adobe Systems Incorporated" entry:

o Change the "Adobe Systems Japan" entry as follows:

  Adobe Systems Co., Ltd.
  Yebisu Garden Place Tower
  4-20-3 Ebisu
  Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150
  +81-3-5423-8169 (phone)
  +81-3-5423-8204 (facsimile)

Page 349:

o Remove the "Aldus Corporation" entry, and move the "Aldus
  PageMaker-J" product entry to "Adobe Systems Incorporated" on page
  348, but change the name to "Adobe PageMaker-J."

o Move (to page 358) and rename the "Altsys Corporation" entry as

  Macromedia, Incorporated
  600 Townsend Street
  San Francisco, CA 94103
  +1-415-252-2000 (phone)

o Change the "800" number for the "America Online" entry to

o Remove "GB technical manuals" from the Products list for the "ANSI"

Page 350:

o Add the following URL to the "Apple Computer Incorporated" entry:

o Remove "7.1" from the "KanjiTalk 7.1" product for the "Apple
  Computer Incorporated entry. Also remove both instances of "System
  7.1" in the same entry.

o Add the following URL to the "Apple Japan Incorporated" entry:

o Add the following URL to the "ASCII Corporation" entry:

o Remove the "Azuma Lander International" entry.

Page 351:

o Add the following URL to the first "Claris Corporation" entry:

Page 352:

o Add the following URL to the "CompuServe" entry:

o Add the following URL to the first "Digital Equipment Corporation"

Page 353:

o Add the following URL to the "Electronics for Imaging, Incorporated"

o Insert the following new entry:

  Enfour Media Laboratory Pty. Ltd.               Gaiji Kits
  5-3-14-203 Sendagaya                            Gaiji Designer
  Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151
  +81-3-5360-8171 (phone)
  +81-3-3355-6923 (facsimile)

o Change the FontWorks contact info as follows:

  11/F Bangkok Bank Building
  14-20 Bonham Strand West
  Sheung Wan
  +852-2851-2739 (phone)
  +852-2544-3543 (facsimile)

o Add the following URL to the "Frame Technology Corporation" entry:

o Add the following URL to the "Fujitsu Business Systems" entry:

Page 354:

o Add the following e-mail address to the "GITCO" entry:

  Also, change the second phone number to +1-510-704-9129, and delete
  the facsimile number.

o Remove both entries for "GO Corporation."

o Add the following URL to the "Hewlett-Packard" entry:

Page 355:

o Add the following URL to the "Hitachi Corporation" entry:

o Add the following URL to the "International Business Machines
  Corporation" entry:

o Change "International Standards Organization" to "International
  Organization for Standardization." Also, add the following URL:

o Add the following URL to the "Internet Initiative Japan,
  Incorporated" entry:

Page 356:

o Add the following URL to the "Japan Bitnet Association" entry:

o Add the following URL to the "Japan Network Information Center
  (JPNIC)" entry:

Page 357:

o Change the address for the "Kureo Technology Limited" entry as

  Kureo Technology Limited
  3600 Gilmore Way, Suite 303
  Burnaby, BC V5G 4R8
  +1-604-433-7715 (phone)
  +1-604-433-3393 (facsimile)

  Also, add the following to the Products column:

  KCom2 for Windows
  InTransNet translation service

o Add the following URL to the "Language Automation, Incorporated"

  Change the phone number to +1-415-571-7877, and the facsimile number
  to +1-415-571-6294. Also, remove both e-mail addresses, and replace
  it with the following:

Page 358:

o Remove the "Letraset USA, Incorporated" entry.

Page 359:

o Add the following URL to the "Microsoft Corporation" entry:

Page 360:

o Insert the following new entry:

  Netscape Communications Corporation             Netscape Navigator
  501 East Middlefield Road
  Mountain View, CA 94041
  +1-415-254-1900 (phone)
  +1-415-528-4122 (facsimile)

o Add the following URL to the "NeXT, Incorporated" entry:

o Insert the following new entry:

  Nichigai Associates, Incorporated               Electronic Books
  1-23-8 Ohmori-kita
  Ohta-ku, Tokyo 143
  +81-3-3763-5241 (phone)
  +81-3-3764-0845 (facsimile)

o Change the "Nisus" to "Nisus Writer" under the Product listing for
  the "Nisus Software Incorporated" entry. Also, add the following URL
  to this entry:

o Add the following URL to the "O'Reilly & Associates, Incorporated"

Page 362:

o Add the following URL to the "Qualitas Trading Company" entry:

  Also, add the following e-mail addresses:

Page 363:

o Add the following URL to the "Silicon Graphics, Incorporated" entry:

o Add the following URL to the "Softbank Corporation" entry:

o Add the following URL to the "Sony Corporation" entry:

o Add the following URL to the "Sun Microsystems, Incorporated" entry:

Page 364:

o Move (to page 350) and rename the "SystemSoft America, Incorporated"
  entry as follows:

  AsiaSoft Incorporated                           Macintosh software
  P.O. Box 4260                                   PC software
  Vero Beach, FL 32964-4260
  800-882-8856 (phone)
  +1-407-234-5598 (phone)
  +1-407-234-4991 (facsimile)

o Add the following URL to the "TWICS" entry:

  Also, change the e-mail address as follows:

Page 365:

o Add the following URL to the "Unicode, Incorporated" entry:

o Remove the "URW America" entry.

o Add the following URL to the "UUNET Technologies, Incorporated"

o Change the contact information for Wnn Consortium as follows:

  Wnn Consortium
  c/o ASTEM Research Institute
  Kyoto Research Park
  17 Chudoji Minami-machi
  Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto 600
  +81-75-315-2897 (facsimile)

  Also, remove "JIS X 0212-1990 bitmapped fonts" from the Products

Page 366:

o Move (to page 359) and rename the "Worldwide Publishing Group" entry
  as follows:

  Multilingual Computing, Incorporated
  111 Cedar Street
  Sandpoint, ID 83864
  +1-208-263-8178 (phone)
  +1-208-263-6310 (facsimile)

o Add the following URL to the "X/Open Company Limited" entry:

o Add the following URL to the "Xerox Systems Institute" entry:

Page 390:

o Change "International Standards Organization" for the "ISO"
  entry to "International Organization for Standardization."

Page 406:

o UTF-2 entry needs an "fi" ligature.

Page 416:

o Change Donnalyn Frey's book to reflect the fourth edition as

  Frey, Donnalyn & Rick Adams. "!%@:: A Dictionary of Electronic Mail
    Addressing & Networks". Fourth edition. O'Reilly & Associates,
    Inc. 1994. ISBN 1-56592-046-5.

o Add the following book to the bibliography:

  古瀬幸広. ワープロここが不思議--ちょっと知的なワープロ学. 講談社.
    1994. ISBN 4-06-257018-1.

Page 417:

o Change Ed Krol's book to reflect the second edition as follows:

  Krol, Ed. "The Whole Internet User's Guide & Catalog". Second edition.
    O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. 1994. ISBN 1-56592-063-5.

o Add the following books to the bibliography:

  Kano, Nadine. "Developing International Software for Windows 95 and
  Windows NT." Microsoft Press. 1995. ISBN 1-55615-840-8.

  Krol, Ed. インターネットユーザーズガイド 改訂版. International
    Thomson Publishing Japan. 1995. ISBN 4-900718-12-2.

  Lunde, Ken. "Prescriptive Kanji Simplification". PhD Dissertation.
    University of Wisconsin-Madison. 1994. University Microfilms
    International order number 9419580.

  Luong, Tuoc V. et al. "Internationalization: Developing Software for
    Global Markets". John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated. 1995. ISBN

  中西秀彦. 活字が消えた日--コンピュータと印刷. 晶文社. 1994. ISBN

  大木敦雄. 入門NEmacs. ASCII Corporation. 1994. ISBN 4-7561-0287-5.

  大木敦雄. 入門Mule. ASCII Corporation. 1994. ISBN 4-7561-0300-6.

Page 418:

o Add the following books to the bibliography:

  Searfoss, Glenn. "JIS-Kanji Character Recognition: Featuring the
    Gaiji Method". Van Nostrand Reinhold. 1994. ISBN 0-442-01813-4.

  Stallman, Richard M. "GNU Emacs Manual". Tenth edition. Free
    Software Foundation. 1994. ISBN 1-882114-04-3.

  Unger, J. Marshall. "The Fifth Generation Fallacy: Why Japan Is Betting
    Its Future on Artificial Intelligence". Oxford University Press. 1987.
    ISBN 0-19-504939-X.

  Walsh, Norman. "Making TeX Work". O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. 1994
    ISBN 1-56592-051-1.

  ワープロ・パソコン最新漢字辞典. 小学館. 1994. ISBN 4-09-505121-3.

o Change "International Standards Organization" to "International
  Organization for Standardization."

Page 420:

o Change "Published quarterly" to "Published from 1986 to 1993" in
  the entry for 最新ワープロ大百科.

o Add the following bibliographic entry into the "Papers and
  Articles" section:

  Breen, J.W. "A Japanese Electronic Dictionary Project (Part 1:
    The Dictionary Files)", Technical Report 93/13, Department of
    Robotics & Digital Technology, Monash University, November

Page 425:

o Change "online" to "electronic" under the "dictionaries" entry, and
  move it to after "conversion."

Page 428:

o Change "International Standards Organization" to "International
  Organization for Standardization."

Page 432:

o Change the entry "online dictionaries" to "electronic dictionaries,"
  and move it to page 426.

Colophon Page:

o Change the fourth sentence of the first paragraph as follows:

  "He finally received his Doctor of Philosophy degree in linguistics
  in 1994, and his dissertation was entitled "Prescriptive Kanji

o Change "Japanese Font Production" to "CJK Type Development" in the
  fifth fifth sentence of the first paragraph.

o Delete the last sentence of the first paragraph.