Review of New Japanese-English Character Dictionary

Published by Kenkyusha, 1990, 4th printing, ISBN 4-7674-9040-5, 8,000 JPY
Published by NTC, 1993, 1st printing, ISBN 0-8442-8434-3, 49.95 USD

by Ken Lunde (

NOTE: This review contains a few Japanese characters. This file is being sent with the Japanese characters in JIS code (so set your terminal or code conversion software appropriately).

In brief, the New Japanese-English Character Dictionary is an excellent reference for understanding kanji. Each kanji entry provides core meanings, and this is very useful to the student of Japanese. I wish I had this dictionary when I first began studying Japanese back in 1985, and I recommend it without reservation. Now for the details...

Kanji dictionaries are one of the most useful language tools for the student of Japanese. While there are many such works in print, most are designed for the native speaker of Japanese. There are now three kanji dictionaries for the English speaker: