Note: I Posted this book review to Usenet News in February 1994

--- BEGIN ---
	I recently picked up an interesting book at the San Francisco
Japan Center's Kinokuniya Bookstore entitled "America and The Four
Japans: Friend, Foe, Model, Mirror" by Frederik Schodt. A great book,
I think.
	I am not typically interested in (or knowledgable about)
Japanese or American-Japanese politics, but I found Fred's book a
particular gem in that it had no political overtones, which are
(unfortunately) common in many books about Japan today.
	In summary, I found Fred's book enlightening, easy-to-read,
and full of cross-cultural examples (shows how much alike we all are). 
I highly recommend it.
	Perhaps there are others out there who have read this book. I
would like to hear your opinions on this book, or better yet, post
them for others to read.
	Here are this book's vital statistics:

TITLE:         "America and The Four Japans: Friend, Foe, Model, Mirror"
AUTHOR:        Frederik Schodt
PUBLISHER:     Stone Bridge Press, Berkeley, California (800-947-7271)
PRICE:         $10.95 (hard cover $19.95)
PAGES:         200 (includes an index)
COVER:         Paper (hard cover available)
ISBN:          1-880656-10-8 (hard cover 1-880656-06-X)

-- Ken Lunde
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