y consize
OBSOLETE Cygutils - Utilities for Cygwin

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A resizer for the console. Translation: a scrollbar for the command prompt window in Win9x.


2001-May-10: Added cmd.exe from the reactos distribution, with source code. Go here.

2001-Jan-06: Added an updated version of Win95Cmd.exe, from the whistler beta sdk.

1999-Oct-20: bugfixes, new features, yet another name change

1999-Oct-14: new version of Win95Cmd.exe from the latest win2k platform development kit.

Usage instructions:

Because "command.com" is a DOS program and not Win32 compliant, "consize" will not work with it. However, it does work with NT's cmd.exe and the Win95 port of cmd.exe (provided here). More importantly, it works with cygwin-bash. Also, it should work with the ReactOS version of cmd.exe, provided here.

I obtained Win95Cmd.exe-whistler-oct2000 from ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/developr/platformsdk/oct2000/psdk-x86.49.cab The cab file is a 10MB download. Also, that site is very dynamic, so the exact path may change over time, and the exact cab filename in which Win95Cmd.exe is found may also change. Thanks to Soren Andersen for the tip.

I obtained Win95Cmd.exe-w2k-rc2 from ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/developr/platformsdk/win2k_rc2/psdk-x86.8.cab The cab file is a 3MB download. Also, that site is very dynamic, so the exact path may change over time, and the exact cab filename in which Win95Cmd.exe is found may also change. Thanks to Dirk Fieldhouse for the tip.

To use, just start your favorite console program (not command.com) and type 'consize 2000'. That will give you a scrollbuffer 2000 lines long. For more options, type 'consize -h'.


Installation instructions:

  1. Download the package here.
  2. Unpack - it contains:
    Makefile.cygwin makefile for cygwin
    Makefile.mingw makefile for cygwin gcc, with -mno-cygwin. UNTESTED.
    Makefile.vc makefile for MSVC
    consize-cygwinb20.exe precompiled binary for cygwin B20.1
    consize-vc.exe precompiled binary using MSVC
    consize-mingw.txt placeholder for precompiled binary using gcc and -mno-cygwin
  3. rename one of the binaries (consize-vc.exe or consize-cygwinb20.exe) to consize.exe (or something shorter, such as recon.exe, if you like).
  4. put it somewhere in your path

There, that wasn't so hard.

Compilation instructions

Using cygwin (egcs)

  1. Unpack the tarball.
  2. make -f Makefile.cygwin
  3. strip consize.exe (optional)

Using mingw

  1. Unpack the tarball
  2. make -f Makefile.mingw
  3. strip consize.exe (optional)

Using MSVC

  1. Unpack the tarball.
  2. nmake -f Makefile.vc

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Last modified: Fri May 11 00:47:21 Eastern Daylight Time 2001