B20 legacy branch

There are two statically-linked versions of Perl for cygwin available here:

Depending on your browser, you may need to right-click/"Save link as" on the links below, rather than just clicking on them.

If you wish to install a binary package, do the following:

  1. cd to /
  2. unpack the binary distribution. It will install itself into .usr/local/lib/perl5, usr/local/man, and /usr/local/bin.
  3. you're done.

If you wish to build from sources, do the following:

  1. unpack the original source distribution from cpan.org in /usr/local/src
  2. copy perl5.005_03-static-patch into /usr/local/src/perl5.005_03/
  3. cd /usr/local/src/perl5.005_03
  4. NT only: chmod -R +w *
  5. patch -p1 < perl5.005_03-static-patch
  6. read perl5.005_03/cygwin32/build-instructions.READFIRST

Or, download the patched source and just do steps #1 and #6.


Binary: Download *3 289 088 bytes*
Checksum for binary: Download

Patched source: Download *3 045 721 bytes*
Checksum for patched source: Download

Patch: Download *13 034 bytes*

Checksum for patch: Download

Original Source: http://www.cpan.org/src/5.0/perl5.005_03.tar.gz


Binary: Download *3 606 721 bytes*
Checksum for binary: Download

Patched source: Download *3 045 721 bytes* Note that this is the same source as the "no-modules" version. The only difference between the two binaries is that after building perl itself, several modules were built and perl was relinked to include them.
Checksum for patched source: Download Same as "no-modules"

Patch: Download *13 034 bytes* Same as "no-modules"

Checksum for patch: Download Same as "no-modules"

Original Source: http://www.cpan.org/src/5.0/perl5.005_03.tar.gz


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Last modified: Fri Feb 18 16:36:38 Eastern Standard Time 2000