#!/bin/sh # PROVIDE: teleport # REQUIRE: NETWORKING SERVERS DAEMON # KEYWORD: shutdown # # Add the following lines to /etc/rc.conf.local or /etc/rc.conf # to enable this service: # # teleport_enable (bool): Set to NO by default. # Set it to YES to enable teleport. # teleport_config (str): Configuration file. # Default is "${LOCALBASE}/etc/teleport.yaml" # teleport_dir (dir): Set dir to run teleport in. # Default is "/var/db/teleport". # teleport_roles (dir): Set roles to run teleport in. # Default is "node". # Can be any combination of # "node", "app", "proxy" and "auth", separated by commas . /etc/rc.subr name=teleport rcvar=teleport_enable load_rc_config $name : ${teleport_enable:="NO"} : ${teleport_config:="%%PREFIX%%/etc/teleport.yaml"} : ${teleport_args:="--config=${teleport_config}"} : ${teleport_dir:="/var/db/teleport"} : ${teleport_roles:="node"} pidfile=/var/run/teleport.pid required_files="${teleport_config}" procname="%%PREFIX%%/bin/teleport" command="/usr/sbin/daemon" DAEMON=$(daemon 2>&1 | grep -q syslog ; echo $?) if [ ${DAEMON} -eq 0 ]; then DAEMON_SYSLOG_FLAGS="-S -T teleport -s info -m 3" else DAEMON_SYSLOG_FLAGS="" fi command_args="${DAEMON_SYSLOG_FLAGS} -f -p ${pidfile} /usr/bin/env ${teleport_env} ${procname} start --roles=${teleport_roles} ${teleport_args}" start_precmd="teleport_prestart" teleport_prestart() { mkdir -p ${teleport_dir} } run_rc_command "$1"