
#include <libmilter/mfapi.h>
sfsistat (*xxfi_header)(
	SMFICTX *ctx,
	char *headerf,
	char *headerv
Handle a message header.
Called When xxfi_header is called once for each message header.
Default Behavior Do nothing; return SMFIS_CONTINUE.
ctx Opaque context structure.
headerf Header field name.
headerv Header field value. The content of the header may include folded white space, i.e., multiple lines with following white space where lines are separated by LF (not CRLF). The trailing line terminator (CRLF) is removed.
  • Starting with sendmail 8.14, spaces after the colon in a header field are preserved if requested using the flag SMFIP_HDR_LEADSPC. That is, the header
    From: sender <f@example.com>
    To:  user <t@example.com>
    will be sent to a milter as
    "From", " sender <f@example.com>"
    "To", "  user <t@example.com>"
    "Subject", "no"
    while previously (or without the flag SMFIP_HDR_LEADSPC) it was:
    "From", "sender <f@example.com>"
    "To", "user <t@example.com>"
    "Subject", "no"
  • Later filters will see header changes/additions made by earlier ones.
  • For much more detail about header format, please see RFC 822 and RFC 2822

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