.de1 NOP . it 1 an-trap . if \\n[.$] \,\\$*\/ .. .ie t \ .ds B-Font [CB] .ds I-Font [CI] .ds R-Font [CR] .el \ .ds B-Font B .ds I-Font I .ds R-Font R .TH calc_tickadj 1calc_tickadjman "25 May 2024" "ntp (4.2.8p18)" "User Commands" .\" .\" EDIT THIS FILE WITH CAUTION (in-mem file) .\" .\" It has been AutoGen-ed May 25, 2024 at 12:05:32 AM by AutoGen 5.18.16 .\" From the definitions calc_tickadj-opts.def .\" and the template file agman-cmd.tpl .SH NAME \f\*[B-Font]calc_tickadj\fP \- Calculates optimal value for tick given ntp drift file. .SH SYNOPSIS \f\*[B-Font]calc_tickadj\fP .\" Mixture of short (flag) options and long options [\f\*[B-Font]\-flags\f[]] [\f\*[B-Font]\-flag\f[] [\f\*[I-Font]value\f[]]] [\f\*[B-Font]\-\-option-name\f[][[=| ]\f\*[I-Font]value\f[]]] .sp \n(Ppu .ne 2 All arguments must be options. .sp \n(Ppu .ne 2 .SH DESCRIPTION The \fBcalc_tickadj\fP script uses provided ntp drift file to generate optimal tick value. Generally, ntpd can do better job if the drift value is the smallest possible number. .sp The example output of .br .in +4 .nf $ ./calc_tickadj 81.699 (drift) 9999 usec; 9999779 nsec $ cat /etc/ntp/drift -23.159 .in -4 .fi .sp means the following. If tick on that box is 10,000, by making the value 9999 we'll shift the box from its current drift of \-23.159 to a drift of 81.699, and in doing so we'll speed the clock up a little every second instead of slowing the clock down a little. .sp If 'tick' on that box is 10,000,000 then by setting it to 9999779 the drift value will be somewhere around 0.0. .sp \fBcalc_tickadj\fP tries to determine the the tick value by using \fBtickadj\fP program from ntp package. If this doesn't work you can specify current tick manually on command line. .SH "OPTIONS" .TP .NOP \f\*[B-Font]\-d\f[] \f\*[I-Font]string\f[], \f\*[B-Font]\-\-drift\-file\f[]=\f\*[I-Font]string\f[] Ntp drift file to use. The default \f\*[I-Font]string\f[] for this option is: .ti +4 /etc/ntp/drift .sp Use the specified drift file for calculations .TP .NOP \f\*[B-Font]\-t\f[] \f\*[I-Font]number\f[], \f\*[B-Font]\-\-tick\f[]=\f\*[I-Font]number\f[] Tick value of this host. This option takes an integer number as its argument. .sp The current tick which to adjustment will be calculated .TP .NOP \f\*[B-Font]\-\&?\f[], \f\*[B-Font]\-\-help\f[] Display usage information and exit. .TP .NOP \f\*[B-Font]\-\&!\f[], \f\*[B-Font]\-\-more-help\f[] Pass the extended usage information through a pager. .TP .NOP \f\*[B-Font]\-v\f[] [{\f\*[I-Font]v|c|n\f[] \f\*[B-Font]\-\-version\f[] [{\f\*[I-Font]v|c|n\f[]}]}] Output version of program and exit. The default mode is `v', a simple version. The `c' mode will print copyright information and `n' will print the full copyright notice. .PP .SH "EXIT STATUS" One of the following exit values will be returned: .TP .NOP 0 " (EXIT_SUCCESS)" Successful program execution. .TP .NOP 1 " (EXIT_FAILURE)" The operation failed or the command syntax was not valid. .TP .NOP 70 " (EX_SOFTWARE)" libopts had an internal operational error. Please report it to autogen-users@lists.sourceforge.net. Thank you. .PP .SH "NOTES" This manual page was \fIAutoGen\fP-erated from the \fBcalc_tickadj\fP option definitions.