
#include <libmilter/mfapi.h>
int smfi_delrcpt(
	SMFICTX *ctx;
	char *rcpt;
Remove a recipient from the current message's envelope.
Called When Called only from xxfi_eom.
Effects smfi_delrcpt removes the named recipient from the current message's envelope.
ctx Opaque context structure.
rcpt The recipient address to be removed, a non-NULL, null-terminated string.
RETURN VALUES smfi_delrcpt will fail and return MI_FAILURE if:
  • rcpt is NULL.
  • Deleting recipients in the current connection state is invalid.
  • A network error occurs.
  • SMFIF_DELRCPT is not set.
Otherwise, it will return MI_SUCCESS
  • The addresses to be removed must match exactly. For example, an address and its expanded form do not match.
  • A filter which calls smfi_delrcpt must have set the SMFIF_DELRCPT flag.

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