{ type: install
  message: <<EOM
Configuration of the bruteblock is done via configuration files
located at %%PREFIX%%/etc/bruteblock.

To run the script, append following lines to /etc/syslog.conf:

    auth.info;authpriv.info    |exec %%PREFIX%%/sbin/bruteblock -f %%PREFIX%%/etc/bruteblock/ssh.conf

and restart syslogd.

Also you should add ipfw2 table and the corresponding deny rule.
For example,

    ipfw add deny ip from table(1) to any

Next, you'll want to setup periodical cleanup of ipfw2 table.
Add following lines to /etc/rc.conf:

    bruteblockd_flags="-s 5"

and start bruteblockd:

    service bruteblockd start

See bruteblock(8) for more details.