#!/bin/sh # PROVIDE: percona_orchestrator # REQUIRE: LOGIN mysql # KEYWORD: shutdown # # Add the following lines to /etc/rc.conf.local or /etc/rc.conf # to enable this service: # # percona_orchestrator_enable (bool): Set to NO by default. # Set it to YES to enable percona_orchestrator. # percona_orchestrator_user (string): Set user that percona_orchestrator will run under # Default is "percona". # percona_orchestrator_group (string): Set group that percona_orchestrator will run under # Default is "percona". # percona_orchestrator_config (string): Set path to config file # Default is "%%ETCDIR%%/orchestrator.cfg". # percona_orchestrator_args (string): Set extra arguments to pass to percona_orchestrator # Default is "". . /etc/rc.subr name=percona_orchestrator rcvar=percona_orchestrator_enable load_rc_config $name : ${percona_orchestrator_enable:="NO"} : ${percona_orchestrator_user:="percona"} : ${percona_orchestrator_group:="percona"} : ${percona_orchestrator_config:="%%ETCDIR%%/orchestrator.conf"} : ${percona_orchestrator_args:=""} : ${percona_orchestrator_restart_delay:="10"} pidfile="/var/run/orchestrator/orchestrator.pid" command="/usr/sbin/daemon" percona_orchestrator_command="%%PREFIX%%/sbin/orchestrator" command_args="-rP ${pidfile} -S -R ${percona_orchestrator_restart_delay} \ -T ${name} ${percona_orchestrator_command} \ -config ${percona_orchestrator_config} \ ${percona_orchestrator_args} http" required_files="${percona_orchestrator_config}" start_precmd=percona_start_precmd percona_start_precmd () { local piddir piddir=`/usr/bin/dirname "${pidfile}"` if [ ! -d "${piddir}" ] ; then /usr/bin/install -d -o "${percona_orchestrator_user}" -g "${percona_orchestrator_group}" "${piddir}" fi } load_rc_config $name run_rc_command "$1"