include Kbuild INSTALL_MOD_DIR ?= extra INSTALL_MOD_PATH ?= $(DESTDIR) all: modules distclean maintainer-clean: clean install: modules_install data_install uninstall: modules_uninstall data_uninstall check: .PHONY: all distclean maintainer-clean install uninstall check distdir \ modules modules-Linux modules-FreeBSD modules-unknown \ clean clean-Linux clean-FreeBSD \ modules_install modules_install-Linux modules_install-FreeBSD \ data_install data_install-Linux data_install-FreeBSD \ modules_uninstall modules_uninstall-Linux modules_uninstall-FreeBSD \ data_uninstall data_uninstall-Linux data_uninstall-FreeBSD \ cppcheck cppcheck-Linux cppcheck-FreeBSD # For FreeBSD, use debug options from ./configure if not overridden. export WITH_DEBUG ?= @WITH_DEBUG@ export WITH_INVARIANTS ?= @WITH_INVARIANTS@ # Filter out options that FreeBSD make doesn't understand getflags = ( \ set -- \ $(filter-out --%,$(firstword $(MFLAGS))) \ $(filter -I%,$(MFLAGS)) \ $(filter -j%,$(MFLAGS)); \ fmakeflags=""; \ while getopts :deiI:j:knqrstw flag; do \ case $$flag in \ \?) :;; \ :) if [ $$OPTARG = "j" ]; then \ ncpus=$$(sysctl -n kern.smp.cpus 2>/dev/null || :); \ if [ -n "$$ncpus" ]; then fmakeflags="$$fmakeflags -j$$ncpus"; fi; \ fi;; \ d) fmakeflags="$$fmakeflags -dA";; \ *) fmakeflags="$$fmakeflags -$$flag$$OPTARG";; \ esac; \ done; \ echo $$fmakeflags \ ) FMAKEFLAGS = -C @abs_srcdir@ -f Makefile.bsd $(shell $(getflags)) ifneq (@abs_srcdir@,@abs_builddir@) FMAKEFLAGS += MAKEOBJDIR=@abs_builddir@ endif FMAKE = env -u MAKEFLAGS make $(FMAKEFLAGS) modules-Linux: mkdir -p $(sort $(dir $(spl-objs) $(spl-))) mkdir -p $(sort $(dir $(zfs-objs) $(zfs-))) $(MAKE) -C @LINUX_OBJ@ $(if @KERNEL_CC@,CC=@KERNEL_CC@) \ $(if @KERNEL_LD@,LD=@KERNEL_LD@) $(if @KERNEL_LLVM@,LLVM=@KERNEL_LLVM@) \ $(if @KERNEL_CROSS_COMPILE@,CROSS_COMPILE=@KERNEL_CROSS_COMPILE@) \ $(if @KERNEL_ARCH@,ARCH=@KERNEL_ARCH@) \ M="$$PWD" @KERNEL_MAKE@ CONFIG_ZFS=m modules modules-FreeBSD: +$(FMAKE) modules-unknown: @true modules: modules-@ac_system@ clean-Linux: @# Only cleanup the kernel build directories when CONFIG_KERNEL @# is defined. This indicates that kernel modules should be built. @CONFIG_KERNEL_TRUE@ $(MAKE) -C @LINUX_OBJ@ M="$$PWD" @KERNEL_MAKE@ clean $(RM) @LINUX_SYMBOLS@ Module.markers find . -name '*.ur-safe' -type f -delete clean-FreeBSD: +$(FMAKE) clean clean: clean-@ac_system@ .PHONY: modules_uninstall-Linux-legacy modules_uninstall-Linux-legacy: $(RM) -r $(addprefix $(KMODDIR)/$(INSTALL_MOD_DIR)/,spl/ avl/ icp/ lua/ nvpair/ unicode/ zcommon/ zfs/ zstd/) KMODDIR := $(INSTALL_MOD_PATH)/lib/modules/@LINUX_VERSION@ modules_install-Linux: modules_uninstall-Linux-legacy @# Install the kernel modules $(MAKE) -C @LINUX_OBJ@ M="$$PWD" modules_install \ INSTALL_MOD_PATH=$(INSTALL_MOD_PATH) \ INSTALL_MOD_DIR=$(INSTALL_MOD_DIR) \ $(if @KERNEL_ARCH@,ARCH=@KERNEL_ARCH@) \ KERNELRELEASE=@LINUX_VERSION@ @# Remove extraneous build products when packaging if [ -n "$(DESTDIR)" ] && [ "$(DONT_DELETE_MODULES_FILES)" != "1" ]; then \ find $(KMODDIR) -name 'modules.*' -delete; \ fi @# Debian ships tiny fake files that are @# syntactically valid but just say @# "if you want go install this package" @# Naturally, depmod is less than amused by this. @# So if we find it missing or with one of these present, @# we check for the alternate path for the sysmap=$(INSTALL_MOD_PATH)/boot/; \ { [ -f "$$sysmap" ] && [ $$(wc -l < "$$sysmap") -ge 100 ]; } || \ sysmap=$(INSTALL_MOD_PATH)/usr/lib/debug/boot/; \ if [ -f $$sysmap ]; then \ depmod -ae -F $$sysmap @LINUX_VERSION@ -b $(INSTALL_MOD_PATH)/; \ fi modules_install-FreeBSD: @# Install the kernel modules +$(FMAKE) install modules_install: modules_install-@ac_system@ data_install-Linux: @mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/@prefix@/src/zfs-@VERSION@/@LINUX_VERSION@ cp ../zfs.release ../zfs_config.h @LINUX_SYMBOLS@ $(DESTDIR)/@prefix@/src/zfs-@VERSION@/@LINUX_VERSION@ data_install-FreeBSD: @ data_install: data_install-@ac_system@ modules_uninstall-Linux: modules_uninstall-Linux-legacy @# Uninstall the kernel modules $(RM) $(addprefix $(KMODDIR)/$(INSTALL_MOD_DIR)/,zfs.ko spl.ko) modules_uninstall-FreeBSD: @false modules_uninstall: modules_uninstall-@ac_system@ data_uninstall-Linux: $(RM) $(addprefix $(DESTDIR)/@prefix@/src/zfs-@VERSION@/@LINUX_VERSION@/,zfs.release zfs_config.h @LINUX_SYMBOLS@) data_uninstall-FreeBSD: @ data_uninstall: data_uninstall-@ac_system@ cppcheck-Linux: @CPPCHECK@ -j@CPU_COUNT@ --std=c99 --quiet --force --error-exitcode=2 \ --inline-suppr \ --suppress=unmatchedSuppression \ --suppress=noValidConfiguration \ --enable=warning,information -D_KERNEL \ --include=@LINUX_OBJ@/include/generated/autoconf.h \ --include=@top_builddir@/zfs_config.h \ --config-exclude=@LINUX_OBJ@/include \ -i zstd/lib \ -I @LINUX_OBJ@/include \ -I @top_srcdir@/include/os/linux/kernel \ -I @top_srcdir@/include/os/linux/spl \ -I @top_srcdir@/include/os/linux/zfs \ -I @top_srcdir@/include \ avl icp lua nvpair unicode zcommon zfs zstd os/linux cppcheck-FreeBSD: @true cppcheck: cppcheck-@ac_system@ distdir: cd @srcdir@ && find . -name '*.[chS]' -exec sh -c 'for f; do mkdir -p $$distdir/$${f%/*}; cp @srcdir@/$$f $$distdir/$$f; done' _ {} + cp @srcdir@/Makefile.bsd $$distdir/Makefile.bsd gen-zstd-symbols: for obj in $(addprefix zstd/,$(ZSTD_UPSTREAM_OBJS)); do echo; echo "/* $${obj#zstd/}: */"; @OBJDUMP@ -t $$obj | awk '$$2 == "g" && !/ zfs_/ {print "#define\t" $$6 " zfs_" $$6}' | sort; done >> zstd/include/zstd_compat_wrapper.h check-zstd-symbols: @OBJDUMP@ -t $(addprefix zstd/,$(ZSTD_UPSTREAM_OBJS)) | awk '/file format/ {print} $$2 == "g" && (!/ zfs_/ && !/ __pfx_zfs_/) {++ret; print} END {exit ret}'