#!/bin/sh # Set to a list of packages to install. export VM_EXTRA_PACKAGES=" comms/py-pyserial converters/base64 devel/oci-cli devel/py-babel devel/py-iso8601 devel/py-pbr devel/py-six ftp/curl lang/python lang/python3 net/cloud-init net/py-eventlet net/py-netaddr net/py-netifaces net/py-oauth net/rsync panicmail security/ca_root_nss security/sudo@default sysutils/firstboot-freebsd-update sysutils/firstboot-pkgs sysutils/panicmail textproc/jq " # Should be enough for base image, image can be resized in needed export VMSIZE=8g # Set to a list of third-party software to enable in rc.conf(5). export VM_RC_LIST=" cloudinit firstboot_pkgs firstboot_freebsd_update growfs ntpd ntpd_sync_on_start sshd zfs" vm_extra_pre_umount() { cat <<-'EOF' >> ${DESTDIR}/etc/rc.conf dumpdev=AUTO sendmail_enable=NONE EOF cat <<-'EOF' >> ${DESTDIR}/boot/loader.conf autoboot_delay="5" beastie_disable="YES" boot_serial="YES" loader_logo="none" cryptodev_load="YES" opensolaris_load="YES" xz_load="YES" zfs_load="YES" EOF cat <<-'EOF' >> ${DESTDIR}/etc/ssh/sshd_config # S11 Configure the SSH service to prevent password-based login PermitRootLogin prohibit-password PasswordAuthentication no KbdInteractiveAuthentication no PermitEmptyPasswords no UseDNS no EOF # S14 Root user login must be disabled on serial-over-ssh console pw -R ${DESTDIR} usermod root -w no # Oracle requirements override the default FreeBSD cloud-init settings cat <<-'EOF' >> ${DESTDIR}/usr/local/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/98_oracle.cfg disable_root: true system_info: distro: freebsd default_user: name: freebsd lock_passwd: True gecos: "Oracle Cloud Default User" groups: [wheel] sudo: ["ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL"] shell: /bin/sh network: renderers: ['freebsd'] EOF # Use Oracle Cloud Infrastructure NTP server sed -i '' -E -e 's/^pool.*iburst/server iburst/' \ ${DESTDIR}/etc/ntp.conf touch ${DESTDIR}/firstboot return 0 }